Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ella Orvilla Bower

William Stephen Martin and Ella Orvilla Bower wedding photo
Ella Orvilla BOWER was born 1861 in Ohio.  She married William Stephen MARTIN (always called Billy) born 1859 in Tennessee.  They had 13 children - but 3 of them (Willie, Frank, and Nora) died under the age of 3.  They moved around a lot - married in Texas County, Missouri, in 1877, and lived all over Texas and Oklahoma.  They lost another child, Elmer, before 1910.

Billy died of pancreatic and liver cancer in 1909.  The family was living in Stephensville, Erath, Texas - but Billy died in a hospital in Austin, Texas.  I can only imagine what a hospital was like in 1909 - and what the trip there must have cost a farm family.  It is not known at this time where he is buried.  In the 1910 census for Archer, Texas, Ella and children are living next to her married daughter Estella Jane MARTIN APPLEGATE.  Ella lived until 1941 and is buried in Derden Cemetery (Grandview, Johnson, Texas) with an infant grandson.

Ella Orvilla Bower grave
Other children that Ella and Billy had were:

Albert - died about 1936 - worked for railroad,  Lula Zula - married Francis "Frank" WALKUP,  Olivia - married Dee THOMPSON,  Della Young - married Johnnie WEMKEN,  Orphia Orlina - married John Henry BEEKS,  Roy L - died after 1920 in Eastland County, Texas in an oil mine accident, Robert Neal - married Era Estes DACUS,  and Ross David - married Clara TRIBBLE.

Where are Albert and Roy buried?  Did they every marry?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this Ella and Stephen were my greatgrandparents and I've never seen this picture of them. Robert Neal was my grandfather.
    Albert married a lady named Daisy (I don't have the last name) and had 6 kids (3 boys, 3 girls) All I know about Roy was that he worked in the Eastland oilfield and never married. Robert and Era had 4 kids David Henry (D.H.), Neal, Travis(my father) and Marie. Marie (Whitfill) is still living in Plainview, Texas. Robert is buried in Hermleigh, Tx
